rod burkert

Hi! I’m Rod.

In one way, shape, or form I’ve been performing business valuations since the late 1980s. In July 2000, I started Burkert Valuation Advisors in Philadelphia where I ran a “traditional” valuation practice for 10 years.

From March 2010 to March 2022 (12 years!) I traveled full-time throughout the US and Canada in an RV with my wife and our dogs. When I saw the possibilities of a location-independent practice, I started rbCOACHING to help others transform their BVFLS firms.

Today, I am settled in Bisbee, AZ (for now!) and focus solely on practice building coaching.  If you know what a successful practice looks and feels like to you, but need support getting there, my coaching is designed for you.

Four Tailored Paths to Transform Your BVFLS Practice


Strategies & Tactics Newsletter

Don’t just run a practice; master it. Subscribe to my newsletter to get laser-focused insights on strategies, tactics, tools, and tech to turn your current practice into your dream practice.

Practice Builder ROUNDTABLE Community

Join an exclusive Facebook community where like-minded BVFLS professionals collaborate to transform their practices. Let’s make the practice you have become the practice you want.


Free Practice Self-Assessment

How well is your practice serving you? Find out in 10 quick questions. Your answers will provide invaluable insights into your practice’s health.


Personalized One-on-One Coaching

Feel like you’ve reached your limit in income and time? If you’re serious about leveling up, let’s work privately to break those ceilings. Reach out to discuss your unique challenges and goals.

If I could wave a magic wand and solve THE most vexing problem you have in your practice right now, what would that be?

Does this sound familiar?

— You’re starting every year with solid referral sources, but a $0 book of business.

— You’re getting better at a skill that is being valued less and commoditized more.

— You’re not sure what the “right” next best thing is that will land better clients.

— You’re on a treadmill … get the work, do the work, charge lower fees.

— You’re not even sure you want to do this work any more.

What do you want more of? How about:

— Focused marketing and messaging that conveys who you are and what you do to more relevant leads and prospects.

— Proven platforms and systems that improve the rate, speed, and quality of converting your prospects into clients.

— A complementary business model that generates monthly recurring revenue in addition to your 1:1 client-work fees.

What do you want less of? How about:

— Less of any of the things in your practice that are stopping you from getting more time, more money, and more freedom from the practice you have!

What is stopping you from getting there? How about:

— As a likely left-brained CPA you are a conservative, linear thinker who likes to follow rules and avoid standing out in the crowd.

— The BVFLS profession is mired in age-old dogma (much of it imported from the CPA world) and suffers from a broken business model.


And once you get it, you can no longer blame the clients, the work, or the profession for what you’re lacking.


Everyone has a different idea of what a successful practice is. The practice you want is personal because it is based on what “success” means to you.

But I have a hunch there are 3 things you want from your practice relative to what you have now: more time, more money, and more freedom.

rbCOACHING’s flagship program, Turn the Practice You Have Into The Practice You Want!™, is designed to deliver those 3 things.

The philosophy & MODEL of Turn is simple …

BVFLS firms don’t struggle because their work isn’t technically sound – it nearly always is.

No, they grind along because of the quality of their practice management efforts in these six key areas.

The top-down MACRO view …

The inside-out MICRO view …

Authority. Systems. KPMs.

We are great at telling business owners what they should do, but when it comes to our own practices … not so much!

Be known for what you do. Use systems and automations wisely. Monitor your financial and operational performance.

Market. Sell. Deliver.

We love to overcomplicate what we do. But the reality is that everything we do falls into a Market, Sell, or Deliver activity.

And we can accelerate the performance of each activity with specific learning modules to create The Practice You Want.


When you execute on all six fronts, you can create The Practice You Want.

And get more Time, Money, and Freedom with less effort that you are already investing in The Practice You Have.


So, what do you need help with most—Authority, Systems, or KPMs? Market, Sell, or Deliver?

That’s where we’ll start. Where we head from there is up to you.


Are you ready to transform your current practice? 

I’ll meet you where you’re at and take you where you want to go … with MY PROVEN PROCESS.

what you get and how it works ...

Talk of the Town

Here’s what other BVFLS practitioners are saying about the Turn coaching program.

Many practitioners say they want to transform their practices.

After many years of coaching, I can tell you that few put in the work required to do that.

I am here to work with those select few who are willing to make the effort.

And I will not try to sell you on applying for Turn.

Instead, I will simply tell you who it IS for …and who it IS NOT for.

IS for practitioners who:

IS NOT for practitioners who:

And now for more honesty:

Turn is not an inexpensive investment. But you also have to ask yourself, “What is the cost of not hiring me? And, “What is the value of a transformation?”

Plus, you’ll need to implement what you learn. Read that as, “you gotta do the work” because my information without your implementation will result in you being exactly where you are now 6 or 12 months from now.

And, you’ll be expected to share your results, i.e., what’s working in your practice and what’s not … just as your coaching colleagues will be required to share their results with you.

One more thing.

As far as I know …

I am the only practice builder coach serving only the BVFLS profession.


Yes, I’d like to achieve more in, with, and through The Practice I Have.
And I want to create more time, money, and freedom from the effort I am already investing in it.