Effective January 1, 2025

RodBurkert.com and AIforBV.rodburkert.com may promote and sell products and services. I create and distribute my own products and services, and I may recommend products and services that are not mine.

Regarding the latter, my policy is simple: I will ONLY recommend products and services that I use and/or can fully endorse and believe will be helpful to you because I trust the company or people behind them.

Presume that ANY and ALL links on this site are tied to an affiliate relationship of some kind. That means if you click on a link and ultimately purchase a product/service via that link, I stand to earn some money from that interaction.

Here is a list of my current relationships.

  • I am an instructor for NACVA’s Consultants’ Training Institute.
  • I speak for different valuation organizations and CPA societies, primarily on the topic of practice building/management.
  • I write for these publications: The Value Examiner, Quick Read, and Business Valuation Update.
  • I am a member of these editorial boards: The Value Examiner, Quick Read, and Business Valuation Update.
  • I may use Amazon or other affiliate links to point to books/products I use or have reviewed.

If you have any questions about anything I sell or promote or any of my affiliations, please contact me at [email protected].